
William has worked with Hope Vision before joining the school of cross-cultural church planting. He is now a mission mobilizer with FRUITS Ministry.
Pastor William Peter & Family
Pastor Paul Loyarith is a graduate from Kumi University as a social worker and trained as a teacher from Maseno Muliro University in Kenya. He manages the social needs of the community after the training.
Pastor Peter Loyarith & Family
He is an ordained pastor of Episcopal church of South Sudan. With his passion for mission work, he attended a five days missions orientation workshop that is when he stated his joruney to serve the Lord as a missionary.
Pastor Joseph Lulu & Family
We are grateful to God for Augustine and Linda’s life and choice to serve as missionaries. The couple,  both South Sudanese made this decision after a 5-day missions workshop. They walked forward with their three-months old baby(Favour), whose name symbolizes the first letter of FRUITS Ministries, to be prayed for. They left for the missions field with their three children Riya, Franc, and Favour. They are obediently serving the Lord.
Ev. Augustine, Linda & Family
Evan and Lucy Muraa are both South Sudanese and trained in Egypt as cross-cultural church planters. The spouse are serving the Lord in our “Children Home” and some of these children’s are orphans, some where rescued from early marriage, others just want to have a place to stay and go to school. So Evan and Lucy are acting as parent for all of them and also engage the community in outreach evengelism.
Evan & Lucy
James and Jane are cross-cultural church planters and founder of FRUITS Ministries Organization. James is a South Sudanese and Jane is Ugandan both had passion in church planting. The first pioneering work was  among the Toposa and Teuso unreached people group of South Sudan. Currently, we are reaching the koma people groups of Upper Nile State. Our Prayer is that by 2028 we get to contact with all the unreached, and unengaged people group in South Sudan.
James Nyika & Family
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